
Cannes, noch einer

Und da wir wirklich keine Gelegenheit auslassen wollen, Gutes über den von uns sehr verehrten Apichatpong Weerasethakul an die Leserschaft weiterzureichen, nun auch noch der Hinweis auf Stephen Garretts Schlusszusammenfassung des Festivals bei indiewire.

Up-and-coming filmmakers with their second or third features made a strong showing in the festival. One of the most hauntingly beautiful movies to play the Croisette was Apichatpong Weerasethakul's "Tropical Malady" (in competition), a gay romance which uses myth and metaphor in its second half to elevate its pleasant but mundane love story to a level of animalistic mystery and awe that ultimately makes for transcendent viewing.

[via Greencine]


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