
New York Times on Moore

Michael Moore hat für sein Anti-Bush-Filmessay "Fahrenheit 9/11" die Goldene Palme in Cannes gewonnen. Die New York Times in ihrer Meldung dazu:

With his characteristic blend of humor and outrage - and with greater filmmaking discipline and depth of feeling than he has shown in his previous work - Mr. Moore attacks Mr. Bush's response to Sept. 11, his decision to invade Iraq, and nearly everything else the president has done.

"I did not set out to make a political film," Mr. Moore said at a news conference after the ceremony. "I want people to leave thinking that was a good way to spend two hours. The art of this, the cinema, comes before the politics.

Die Notiz "It is also a film financed by Miramax, which distributes Mr. Tarantino's movies." könnte dann schon fast wieder den Stoff für einen ähnlichen Film abgeben: Tarantino war Präsident der diesjährigen Jury.

Hier die ausführliche Besprechung der Times von Frank Rich: "Of course, Mr. Moore is being selective in what he chooses to include in his movie; he's a polemicist, not a journalist. But he implicitly raises the issue that much of what we've seen elsewhere during this war, often under the label of "news," has been just as subjectively edited."

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