
A Dirty Shame - der neue John Waters

Ich mag John Waters' frühe Filme. Pink Flamingos, natürlich: ganz großartig. Seine späteren Filme empfinde ich hingegen als eine Spur zu zahm, auch wenn der Wahnsinn vergangener Tage hie und da noch durchschimmert. Cecil B. Demented, sein bislang letzter, vor einigen Jahren bei uns im Kino, seit kurzem erst auf DVD, empfand ich, bei allen Schwächen und Dünkeleien, hingegen als erfrischend wild - unter den Bedingungen des späten Waters zumindest. Ein kleiner Hoffnungsschimmer.

MilkPlus hat nun den brandneuen Watersfilm, A Dirty Shame (zum Trailer), gesehen. Und was davon berichtet wird, stimmt nicht unbedingt hoffnunsgvoll:

Making a good bad movie is a bit of tricky alchemy, but Waters comes up with more lead than gold. His film is neither outrageous, gross, or hysterically bad enough to warrant much praise, which, as the title suggest, is a dirty shame.

Auch A.O.Scott von der New York Times zeigt sich kaum begeistert:

I object to ''A Dirty Shame'' not because it is offensive -- to do so would be another way of congratulating Mr. Waters for his bogus daring -- but because it is boring. Beyond offering a catalog of interesting practices and lampooning their dedicated practitioners, the movie has very little to say about sex. Sitting through it is like being in the company of a bunch of 8-year-olds who have just learned a new swear word. At his age, Mr. Waters should know better.

Roger Ebert:

The problem may be that Waters has grown more bourgeois than his audience, which is epatered that he actually thinks he is being shocking.

Ich bleibe dennoch gespannt und hoffe, trotz dieser schlechten Kritiken, auf eine hiesige Kinoauswertung. Abschließend ein aktuelles Interview mit Waters auf popmatters.com:

PM: One final question, as I was doing my prep for this interview, I came across a small but heated debate on the internet about which director has had a bigger influence on you, Russ Meyer or Tinto Brass, with a vocal minority pushing Doris Wishman.

JW: Oh, Caligula was horrible. It was even a letdown then. So Tinto Brass isn't one of them. Of those three, I guess I'd say Russ Meyer. Though really it would be Walt Disney, because he had great villains, and his face became like a brand name. A Walt Disney villain is what I wanted to be as a child.

Er liebte schon immer die böse Hexe aus dem Wizard of Oz. Und ich will sagen: Man merkt's den Filmen an.

Weitere Besprechungen: mrqe.


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